The terrible secret of a fastfood.

This all happened in real life. Yes, you may actually think that it's not possible to happen, but you are terribly wrong, my dear
One day I was just walking at the street. I was kind of tired of stealing stuff from homeless people, even kicking butts of some of them. I did not want to go home, because it was a long way. I had to wait for the bus, which had to come in six hours. I did not know what to do. Some time later from just walking around, I saw a big colourfull sign. It standed out, because the city I was currently in was just shades of grey and brown, if I did not count those fat people that dominated there. On it was writen Fastfood'. ''It looked prett nice butt I just walked away, I did not want to eat some junk food. Well, then I actually realised that I was pretty hungry, so I came in. I noticed that there was nobody, all chairs were empty, and only man I saw was a guy that worked there. I looked at the menu. It was pretty full, but thing I did not really like was those weird names, which the people apparently made up. I chose some stuff called "Seamans surprise" and "Fried trouser snake", which cost 69 dollars . Yes, it sounded pretty weird, but imagine those other stuff on the menu, this was like nothing compared to that. I waited about a... Hour? Here, till they came. That thing had pretty weird smell. Man, it even looked very weird! Well, but I was very starving, I could not choose, and walking just away won't be pretty nice to those people, but I did not even care about that, because the most important thing was that I payed money to that! Well, so I eated that whole thing up, it was terrible. Now I knew why people did not come in here... Well at least I thought that. When I was about to go away, because the bus was about to come (I eated that thing for 4 and half hours), some thing hit me in head that hard, that I fainted.
I woke up in a small room. There was a hole in front of it, but on it was some weird stuff that you would see in jail. I was very scared, but I did not scream, or cry. I just looked around the tiny room, When I looked from that hole, I saw I was not the only one here. There were lots of people in fact, all of them in a room of tiny size, with a sad face, looking at the wall, imagining how life was nice until they got in here. I sighted. I saw that all of them had a number. Everyone here was with no clothes, except for underwear. I saw that from my arm lead a small tube, and it sucked my blood out, slowly, so my body would regenerate more. Then I heard some loud steps on the ground. It was a trio of people, all of them in clothes like they were in work. When they saw me, a man between two others sayd "Ah, you're finnaly awake." "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I shouted at him. "Well in fact... you will be here... FOREVER!" Then he laughted. "Oh my god..." I whispered to myself. "Where am I? "Well, because I don't want to explain all stuff to everyone... Look, there are over hundreds people in here," He put his hands up in the air. "so I give everyone this little thing... Well, read it. It's something like a book... Whatever... I hope you can read, because when I gave it to a little baby thing, it just threw it at me." "You kindap even those little ugly stuff?!" I asked him, not expecting an answer. He just kind of laughted, walking away with those two other men kissing him. I was kinda disquised by that, but I wanted to read that little weird book thing. on the first page, was some welcome stuff, explaining where I was. It sayd that I was in 'Human factory'... Then there was a large explaining why I am here, along with other people. It sayd 'You are here because supplies of cow meat are smaller and smaller every year, we get stupid people to keep the other, intelligent people alive. There is a small tube in arm of everyone. Well, I quess you already noticed that. What's it for, you may say. Well, we use the blood to give ketchup a tastier looking color. Do not try to put it out, you will get an alarm on, and well beat you.' It continued 'And blood is not the only thing we want from you. For exaple, we use men to make 'milk'. You probably know what we mean... The milk was originally from cows. Like the cow meat supplies, it's fading away. And there are some uses for women too, don't fell abandoned, if you're one! We get a woman to a man, and make them breed, so we will get some tasty babyes. They'r meat tastes better than chicken's, so they are used instead of little cute chickens... And there is a last use for you, we cut some part of you every weekend. When you get cutted off something, we will move you to next level, that's why you don't see any 'injured' people with you. Goodbye!' After I finished reading that, I felt like crying. I could not imagine worser thing than that!
After some time I was here, a weekend passed from the time I got there. And for sure, I did not notice that. The three men come, with the two doing seducing dance to the middle one, which made him kiss them for a very long time. They came to my 'pen', as they called that. The middle one sayd "Hello there... As you see, a weeked passed, and you know what it means if you readed that thing." They violently opened the cage, and carried me away to some place. Every time I turned around, I saw sad faces of the people in here. When they got me next to the end, there was a door, covered in blood. They opened it, and threw me off at a chair. Then they leaved. There was another man in here, and I never saw an uglyer face before. In middle of his face was a long, pointy nose with two warts on, and next to his wide mouth was another one. His eyes were small, but not smaller than his pupils. Under his eyes were red eye bags. When he opened his mouth I saw his big, yellow buckteeth, and I promise, it were the only teeth he actually had. I was terrified. But when he spoke to me with his terrible voice, I was about to faint. He screamed at me "WAIT IN HERE!", when I tryed to sneak out. He then opened a large thing that was supposed to be closed, but what I could see were knifes and other terrifiing weapons I do not even want to talk about. But then I had a idea. I slowly sneaked behing him when he choosed a thing to hurt me with,I kicked him in the butt. I have trained for this while for too long! He screamed as he fall in the huge arsenal of weapons. A lot of blood poured from him, and he died a quick death. Well, if I was him, I would probably commit suicide because his face was friggin' scary! Then I quickly opened the door, leaving a loud noise. The three men saw me, and runned after me. I runned like I never did before. I runned for my life.
The people watched me in amazement. They wished they could do that. They wished to escape. My face was felt with joy. I saw a light coming from the end I came to. I thought it was a door. But when I runned here, I saw that it was just a window. But there was no choosing for now. I jumped, and breaked the window. When I falled at the ground, I saw I was finnaly out. I ran away without looking back. But there was one more suprise waiting for me. The end of the whole place was just sea. Only sea. I was on an island. I sighted, crying, looking into the sea. Well, I knew it was useless, but I jumped into the sea, because I heard screams of the men looking after me. When I was about 20 meters away from surface, I saw a shark fin. It was circling around me. I was feeling weird. But then I saw a the face of the shark... "Cindy!" I sayid joyfully. It was my pet giant white shark, that grew out of my aquarium, so I had to give her to the sea. I hugged my shark. It was such a long time I saw her. But I was interrupted by screams of the men again. I looked at them, still hugging my shark. They got a boat, and were quickly driving to me.
I thought I was dead for now. But I forgot my shark! I sat on her, and she used her superpowers, and fired a hole in the evil trio with her laser eyes. Then she flyed away with me, to my home. I was so happy. But then I forgot something... Those poor people trapped in it! Well, who cares, I am the best and I always was, I though. And when I was finnaly home, I sayd goodbye to my shark, waving arm at her, and she made a giant hand made out of water with her superpowers and waved me back. And when I got home, My mom screamed at me "WHERE YOU WERE SO LONG! I JUST SEND YOU TO BUY ME SOME VIDEOGAMES AND YOU WERE LIKE A WEEK AWAY!" I tryed explayining that, but it just made her laught, grab her minigun and try to shoot at me. I ran away, for my life... again. When I was at the place where I and Cindy sayd goodbye, and screamed "CINDY! HELP ME!" but there was no sign of her. I heard the maniacall laught of my mom coming, still louder and louder. She repeated "I will find you...", and that was scary. There was no chance to live for me. I was thinking of how selfish I was. I wanted to take the time back... If I only could do that, If I only could call Cindy back, so I could travel the time back. "Man, I was so selfish that I did not give my mom the videogames in time..." I whispered to myself... looking at the sea.
By TheLaserVulture